
Starting to publish all our campaigns, conferences, meetings, interviews and demonstrations...!!

Help us covering all our activity for selfdetermination and independence, send us any photograph you may have with us to info@icec.ngo

South Tirol / 11 Jan 2017

On January 11, 2017, the second International Symposium on Self-Determination was held at the European Parliament in Brussels. It was organized by the non-governmental organization International Commission of European Citizens (ICEC). The working group IATZ of the South Tyrolean Schützenbund,...

South Tirol / 13 Sep 2016

As in previous years, the South Tyrolean Schützenbund was represented this weekend at the Catalan Independence Day "Diada" in Barcelona. Together with hundreds of thousands of Catalans were demonstrated for self-determination. Already on Saturday the marksmen federation was present with a...

Euskal Herria / 04 Jun 2016

In June 2016, the second wave of referendums on the independence of the Basque Country was held.

A delegation of ICEC was present as international observers, in some of the towns where the popular referendums were held. In that second wave, 34 popular referendums...

South Tirol / 15 May 2016

With white and red flags, thousands of homeland-loving people demanded independence and freedom for their country. The motto was "Iatz", as the Tyroleans express it in the vernacular. The South Tyroleans have a clear goal in front of their eyes, they demand the long-awaited "lot from Rome"! And...

Veneto / 13 May 2016

On Friday 13 May at the Ateneo Veneto in Venice the official presentation to the press of the book "The risk of freedom" by Roberto Ciambetti and Davide Lovat, in which six ICEC partners and national ICEC spokespersons actively collaborated. The book, which deals with self-determination and...

South Tirol / 06 Jan 2016

On December 9, 2015, an international meeting of European freedom movements committed to the idea of self-determination took place at the European Parliament in Brussels. In front of more than 100 European parliamentarians from all political groups, journalists and university professors,...

All Together / 30 Mar 2014

Coming together independentists from all Europe to demonstrate in favour of the exercise of the universal right of SELFdetermination at the capital of Europe, Thousands of Flemish, Catalans, Scottish, Venetian, Bascs, South tirolers and so on...  expressed very clearly their understanding about...


All politics we do not make will be made against us.

Joan Fuster