- Veneto

On Friday 13 May at the Ateneo Veneto in Venice the official presentation to the press of the book "The risk of freedom" by Roberto Ciambetti and Davide Lovat, in which six ICEC partners and national ICEC spokespersons actively collaborated. The book, which deals with self-determination and globalization starting from the famous speech of Pope John Paul II at the United Nations, in fact includes a specific section dedicated to the application of the right of self-determination in Europe. In this section we find contributions by Anna Arquè ( ICEC Catalunya), by Toni Abat (Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Copehagen), by Peter Luykx (Flemish parliamentarian, important exponent of N-VA), by Inigo Jaca (CEC Basque Country), Robin McAlpine (Director of Common Weal, Scotland) and Luca Polo ( ICEC Veneto). Anna Arquè, representing ICEC, took part in the presentation.