'Ha estat tot un honor que el MHP Alex Salmond hagi acceptat la invitació, calia esmenar una narrativa catalana poc honesta sobre l'autodeterminació i el referèndum d'Escòcia' Anna Arqué.
It is said that mountains separate communities and nations, but mountains can also unite them. This happened on the night of 2 July 2022, when the Basque and Catalan Peoples held a joint event (Pyrenean Way, Pirinioetako Bidea in Basque and Via Pirinenca in Catalan), an event to light up more than 300 peaks in the Pyrenees, from the Atlantic Ocean (Basque Country) to the Mediterranean (Catalonia), forming a 440-kilometre line of light. A spectacular event, to demand the right of self-determination for Catalonia and the Basque Country, and, by extension, for all stateless nations in Europe.
Language and Education is a 'hot topic' for many european countries and milions of European citizens.
Europeans whose national languages have to struggle with both: the increasing anglicisation of the educational system and/or the state violence suffered in a daily basis without an independent state of their own to defend their culture.
It took half a century before the first steps were taken and the complete Dutchification of Flanders took more than a hundred years.
After the struggle for Dutch, now against English?
Representatives from other European countries (Catalonia, FlanderS, Scotland, Veneto) are invited to tell us South Tyroleans about their situation and, last but not least, to celebrate together with us.
Freedom and Independence
The response of the independentist parties of the Catalan Government is to agree with Spanish Goverment parties a proposal to avoid an open confrontation with the state.
The problem is not only in Madrid but also in Barcelona.
ICEC and VVB bring concerns to the European Parliament.
In recent months, you could read various contributions on the ICEC website, Twitter and Facebook page about the education and language situation in the ICEC countries.
With this knowledge built up over months, we are now going to the European Parliament in Brussels.
Our fifth article is a bold vindication in favour of the Veneta language.
To explain the difficult situation of the Venetian language starting from the fact that to Italy this language does not exist.
Our fourth article allows us to learn about the history of the Welsh language as well as very positive current usage trends!!
Millions of Europeans/UK citizens are not allowed to live their language in normality in their motherland.
Language is one of the most important characteristics of any culture, so the educational system of any country is one of the most sensitive areas.
One basic demand is an objective teaching of Tyrolean history in South Tyrolean schools.