Since 2009 ICEC has visited the European Parliament many times. Thanks to the people of the NVA and politicians like Mr. Erik de Foort, ICEC has organised many conferences in such a great public European space. Last year (December 2015), ICEC organised the 1st part of the symposium focused in “The implementation of Self Determination in the EU”. Sponsored by NVA and BILDU European groups, and gathering academics, politicians and activists, speakers underlining a strong understanding of Democracy. Democracy, not only as a result but mainly as a method of doing politics based on citizenship participation.
The spokesperson of ICEC Catalonia, **Anna Arqué**, is not new to the Flemish and Belgian Federal Parliaments, she has had years of good relations with the social movement **VVB** and the political party **N-VA** brought her to both Parliaments in many occasions. This year, the Catalan spokesperson invited Constituïm, a grassroot movement responsible for the current draft project of Catalan Constitution, and the **ANC**, the most popular social organisation in Catalonia and one of the main actors which agreed with ICEC ‘s demand on getting the **official referendum** back to the Catalan political agenda. Now announced for September 2017.
Tot mirant cap a Europa
...El germen de l'associació va néixer a Catalunya en el marc de les consultes sobiranistes. Arqué es va encarregar de les relacions internacionals quan formava part de l'organització d'aquests referèndums i es van anar teixint complicitats amb entitats de Flandes, Escòcia i el País Basc. Alguns representants van fer d'observadors internacionals en les consultes com ara el portaveu de la formació independentista flamenca N-VA, Jan Jambon, i l'actual president de l'Aliança Lliure Europea (ALE), Eric Defoort. Després es va veure que el pas següent per difondre l'independentisme havia de ser a Europa.
La ONG creada l'any 2011, celebra els seus 10 anys amb un manifest i un repàs a les accions realitzades els darrers anys.
La ONG fundada l’any 2011 ha estat una important eina de divulgació internacional de la situació política a Catalunya. La ONG celebra ara els seus 10 anys rememorant algunes de les accions que han aconseguit dur a terme. “Hem trencat molts sostres de vidre i hem obert nous espais i oportunitats per a la causa de la independència” afirma l’ICEC en un comunicat.
ICEC festeggia il suo 10° anniversario per l’autodeterminazione e l’indipendenza
Dobbiamo dire che è grazie all’approccio costante, onesto e indipendente di tutti i partner e osservatori ICEC, e grazie al sostegno popolare ricevuto dal 2009, quando abbiamo iniziato ad operare all’interno dell’organizzazione del movimento catalano alla base dei referendum popolari (2009 -2011), che abbiamo infranto numerosi traguardi e aperto nuovi spazi e opportunità per la causa indipendentista, e così facendo siamo orgogliosi di essere stati la prima associazione a:
Last May 7, 2022 the Basque group Naziogintza organized in Azpeitia (Basque Country) the Basque Republic Day. With two objectives: On the one hand, to publicize a historical event quite unknown among Basque people: that in April 1931 the City Council of Azpeitia and many other Basque municipalities claimed, through a historic motion, the Basque Republic. And on the other hand, to make it clear that 91 years later that claim is fully in force, as there are many Basques who want a Basque Republic for our nation. As we say in our language: Katea ez da eten (the generational chain has not been broken).
This is the link to the news published by Naziogintza: